手机怎么清理,若是 Android 手机的价钱和 iPhone 相同:那 Android 手机应提供四年的升级服务



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玩懂手机网 1 月 19 日资讯,外媒最近提出一个有趣的想法,若是 Android 手机的价钱和 iPhone 相同,是不是 Android 手机应该四年的软件升级服务,这并不是一个对 iPhone 升级服务的表彰,而是对 Android 碎片化的不满,作为 Android 旗舰产物,部门 Android 旗舰手机的订价已经赶上了 iPhone,两个平台之间的障碍已经完全摧毁,两个平台竞争对手的产物也险些没有太大区别,那么用户为什么以为 Android 不如苹果,缘故原由就是系统升级。

手机怎么清理,若是 Android 手机的价钱和 iPhone 相同:那 Android 手机应提供四年的升级服务

在系统升级方面,Android 的制造商并没有苹果对 iPhone 加倍专心,也许你可能会说,苹果一年才公布几款智能手机,Android 制造商一年要推出几十款智能手机,但这其中旗舰的数目险些相同,大部门 Android 制造商一年推出的旗舰数目是和苹果完全相同的,凭据 XDA 论坛上开发者测试,险些大部门的装备都可以运行最新版本的 Android 系统,并没有任何问题,凭据 XDA 的详细测试,就算是 2014 年的三星 Galaxy Note 4 都可以运行优化版本的 Android Oreo 系统,基本毫无问题,那么基本的缘故原由是不是 Android 制造商基本不在乎用户?

外媒以为这需要时间和用户来强迫他们提高,现在谷歌,诺基亚等公司正在起到带头作用,谷歌已经宣布将会为旗下的 Pixel 智能手机提供三年的软件更新,诺基亚也同样云云,在追赶的有华为,小米,魅族等公司,虽然小米和魅族在跨版本升级做的没有我希望的那么完善,但一直在起劲。


However, I find it really, really funny that all Android manufacturers have copied various iPhone features and functionalities over the years, but none has dared copying probably the most beneficial one – Apple’s support policy and update philosophy. And this is coming from a die-hard Android guy like me. Guess Android manufacturers have really perfected the art of talking the talk but not walking the walk, and all those software upgrade centersare nothing but snake oil of the purest kind. Now that Moore’s Law is in dire straits, we shouldn’t expect massive improvements in smartphone performance every year. As a result, many people are very likely hold on to their devices for longer and will probably upgrade every third year. The market has already gotten saturated to the point where smartphone makers are struggling to come up with noteworthy new features to incentivize would-be consumers to get their shiny new handset, but I think the only meaningful novelty would be an Android manufacturer REALLY committing to keeping its flagship devices upgraded for as long as Apple does with its older phones.

I can already imagine the insane potential for marketing campaigns, so why can’t they?

华为 5G 首席科学家童文:5G 到底有哪些能力


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